Friday 19 February 2016

The power of Hemp Seeds


Are Hemp Seeds the most powerful source of protein that exist ?

Let's look at the facts

First off all let me start off straight away by saying that Hemp Seeds are second only to soy in the plant world with 25% protein

* Hemp Seeds contain all 20 amino acids, including the essential amino acids (EAAs) that our bodies cannot produce.

Hemp Seeds contain a high protein percentage of the proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.

* Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.

Hemp Seeds contain the highest Natural botanical source of essential fatty acid (more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil.)

Hemp Seeds have a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.

Hemp Seeds is an extremely good vegetarian source of protein that is considered easily digestible.

Hemp Seeds are a rich in phytonutrients, which help in  protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.

Hemp Seeds are the richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids.

* Hemp seeds contain vitamin E, phytosterols (cancer fighting), fiber, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium.

Hemp Seeds are the easily the most digestible source of protein that we have ever found.

So it would seem that eating Hemp Seeds will make you healthier and unlike it's relative -the cannabis plant- It won't make you high !

You can also take advantage of the nutritional properties of hemp in two other ways:     Hemp Protein and Hemp Oil.

Hemp protein has a lot of the great nutrients found in hemp seeds such as magnesium, iron, and vitamin E. It is low in the amino acid lysine. Hemp protein supplements are unlike a traditional whey protein shake, as they contain an appreciable amount of carbohydrates (9g) and fiber (8g), making them more of a base for a meal replacement shake or snack than a pure protein shake
Hemp oil is found in many skin beauty products, is also has a nutty flavor that makes it a great option for salad dressings.

Furthermore, there have been reports that hemp oil has shown good results in not only preventing many forms of cancer, but also curing it. For more information on that, check out the links below

National Health Federation: Hemp Oil and Cancer

Cannabis Culture: Run From The Cure: How Cannabis Cures Cancer And Why No One Knows

Direct Links to the Sources:
Nutiva Hemp Seed on Amazon Nutritional Information
Nutrition and Metabolism: The Cardiac and Haemostatic Effects of Dietary HempseedBody Ecology: Hemp: Is this Nutty Food Source with a Questionable Reputation Good for You?
Healthy Eating Politics: Phytic Acid: Helpful or Harmful?

Thursday 18 February 2016

Hemp for Victory

The Film the US Government didn't make ?

File:Hemp for Victory 1942.webmIn 1942 The United States Department of Agriculture produced a film to encourage farmers to grow hemp. It was a film they later denied ever making.

The film was intended to help the war effort due to the fact that other industrial fibres were in short supply, principally because they were imported from overseas.

The film depicts the history of hemp products, how it is grown and processed into cloth, rope, cordage and other products.

The United States Department of Agriculture library and the Library of Congress were reported to state that no such movie was made by the USDA or any branch of the US Government.

The film was relatively unknown until 1989 when two copies were found by Maria Farrow, Carl Packard and Jack Herer which they donated to the Library of Congress.

The film is freely available for download on the internet and is public domain as it was made by the US Government.

Watch the film here

Thursday 17 September 2015

Kayakers escape unhurt after a humpback whale capsizes their kayak.

Two kayakers had a narrow escape when a humpback whale breached the water and landed within inches of their kayak, causing it to capsize and dumping the paddlers into the ocean in Monterey Bay, California.

The two paddlers managed to make it back safely to shore with the help of fellow kayakers. 

Video footage of the near miss was filmed by Larry Plants, a passenger on a whale watching trip organised by Sanctuary Cruises. In the footage a woman passenger can be heard shouting "The kayak! Where's the kayak?" another passenger replies "He knocked it over"  The two kayakers escaped without injury.

In an interview with Inside Edition . One of the kayakers, Wildlife film director Tom said "It was the most extraordinary thing to happen to me". He went on to say, "We were taken under the water by the whale, perhaps in the down-draft," he said. "I think it brushed against me while I was out of the kayak… Neither of us know how we weren’t ended there and then."
The incident was also witnessed by Captain Michael Sack of Sanctuary Cruises. He told local news station KSBW that the two kayakers were paddling through a large pod of feeding whales.

Captain Sack said, "the two were lucky to avoid a direct hit from the animal's massive body, as it could have proven fatal." Adding, "Kayak whale watching can be extremely dangerous," he wrote on his website. "And one should realize that humpback whales are wild animals and totally unpredictable. It’s a very uncontrolled environment out there." 

You can see further stories of kayakers "Close encounters with whales here 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Tips on preventing shark attacks !

Avoiding shark attacks

In light of the recent wave (no pun intended) of shark attacks, we have decided to publish a few pointers to help prevent such a terrifying experience.

But first the good news.
The chances of you getting attacked by a shark are 9 million to 1 and the chances of being killed by a shark are 200 million to 1 ! You are in fact more likely to be struck by lightning, knocked down by a car or attacked by a dog. So probably best not to walk your dog, during a storm in rush hour !

OK, A few Tips and pointers....

Look out for and adhere to warning signs 
Sounds a bit obvious we know, Warning signs are posted on beaches are there for a reason, usually because sharks have been recently spotted in the water.
It’s not a good to ignore the warning signs.

Surf in groups
Sharks generally tend to attack individuals.

Avoid surfing at dawn and at night
This is a popular feeding time for sharks. It's not a good idea to hang around sharks during meals times especially when it is dark and visibility is poor. They might mistake you for one of their favorite meals !

Avoid river mouths and channels  Fish flow out into the ocean in these areas creating an abundant resource of shark feed. 

Don't wear anything that is Shiny, bright, or high-contrasting in color.
Sharks are attracted to sparkling jewellery and bright colors such as yellow and orange because it resemble the scales of a fish.

Don't surf if you are bleeding
Sharks can smell and taste blood from more than a mile away and they can track that scent back to you.  If you get cut, get out of the water. 

Avoid erratic movements and splashing
Splashing around in water can resemble a prey in distress to a shark and attract it's interest. Try to stay calm in the water especially if you spot a shark because sharks can sense fear.

What To Do If You Encounter A Shark
Stay calm and still when you first spot the shark, chances are it will swim away without bothering you.  Easier said than done I know, but a shark can sense fear and panic and this will only increase their desire to attack. If a shark approaches you defend yourself.  The only weapon you are likely to have to defend yourself is your surfboard. Try to place the board between you and the shark.
Get aggressive ! Strike back at vulnerable areas such as their eyes, nose or gills.
Sharks who attack surfers generally think that they're prey.  When  they realize that you are not their usual high fat meals, they usually let go.

In this ABC News' youtube video Nick Watt investigates why sharks
attack and what you can do to defend yourself.


Monday 31 August 2015

California surfer unscathed after shark bites a chunk out of her board

Surfer, Elinor Dempsey escaped injury off California's Morro Strand state beach after a shark swam under her board and bit a 35cm wide chunk out of it.

54 year Dempsey immediately jumped off her board and pushed it towards the shark.
Fellow surfers who witnessed the attack warned everyone else to get out of the water, whilst other surfers who were still in the water bravely helped Dempsey retrieve her board so she could get back on it an paddle to shore.

The Californian surfer had only been in the water about 35 minutes the shark approached her about 2 feet underwater. You can listen to Dempsey's account of the incident in the video (Pat Pemberton)

“First I thought it was a dolphin and I thought, ‘What the hell is he doing?’ ” she said. “And he kind of landed on my board. Then I realized he had taken a chunk. And I was, like, that’s not what dolphins do.”

Elinor Dempsey holding her surfboard, showing the bite taken by a shark on Saturday at Morro Strand State Beach. COURTESY DAVID WILSON

Supervising ranger, Lisa Remington said .... The beach was closed by officials for 72 hours and warning signs were posting on nearby beaches. 
Experts will later be able determine the size of the shark after the analyse the bite mark and teeth pattern.

A fish and wildlife biologist who was in the area and examined the board said that the shark was male and about 6 foot long.

In an interview with San Luis Obispo Tribune, Dempsey said that she was shaken by her close encounter with the shark and might take a break from surfing. “I’ll be staying close in from now on,” she said. “I’ll probably be on my boogie board for a little while.” She shaken and upset that she did not get long enough in the water ! Adding, “I didn’t get a wave,” That’s the worst part -- I got no waves.”

Dempsey said she had been in the water about 35 minutes when she saw the shark approach her about 2 feet underwater.
“First I thought it was a dolphin and I thought, ‘What the hell is he doing?’ ” she said. “And he kind of landed on my board. Then I realized he had taken a chunk. And I was, like, that’s not what dolphins do.”

 Elinor Dempsey shows off  her bitten surf board. Photograph: Laura Dickinson/AP