Thursday 18 February 2016

Hemp for Victory

The Film the US Government didn't make ?

File:Hemp for Victory 1942.webmIn 1942 The United States Department of Agriculture produced a film to encourage farmers to grow hemp. It was a film they later denied ever making.

The film was intended to help the war effort due to the fact that other industrial fibres were in short supply, principally because they were imported from overseas.

The film depicts the history of hemp products, how it is grown and processed into cloth, rope, cordage and other products.

The United States Department of Agriculture library and the Library of Congress were reported to state that no such movie was made by the USDA or any branch of the US Government.

The film was relatively unknown until 1989 when two copies were found by Maria Farrow, Carl Packard and Jack Herer which they donated to the Library of Congress.

The film is freely available for download on the internet and is public domain as it was made by the US Government.

Watch the film here