Friday 10 July 2015

Dramatic footage of couples close shave with a whale

A couple paddling in Alaska had a lucky escape when they were surrounded by up to to TEN Humpback Whales. Jack Delaney, 22, and Kat Georgia, 27, are heard to scream hysterically when one of the Whales surfaces right next to the kayak causing it to rock.
This is the moment (captured on video) when the couple encountered the whale.

Mr Delaney is heard to shout "Oh my god I'm shaking so much right now" !  Jack Delaney reflected afterwards “At first I was excited and nervous, “Then the bubbles started coming up more rapidly and I got scared and started freaking out.”

Fortunately the couple managed to stay upright in their kayak during the close encounter.
“Honestly, it was the most amazing thing to happen to me ever,” Delaney said. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment that will be with me forever."

Alls well that ends well and Jack and Kat will have an amazing tale (with footage) to relate to their family and friends.

If you think that couple had a close shave, check out this Argentinian father and daughter who "Hitched a ride" on the back of a whale after it surfaced directly beneath their Kayak !
It is amazing how calm they both stayed. This footage was captured in July2014.

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