Monday 24 August 2015

Today's EXTREME video - Features Urban Wakeboarders 

Urban  Wakeboarders make the most of flooded Budapest streets !

Todays video shows some Extreme Wakeboarders making the most of a bad situation and entertaining the crowds.

That is until (predictably) the police come along to spoil the fun. Apparently, when the streets flooded an emergency ruling was brought in, stating no one is allow in or on the water ! 

Check out these extreme urban wakeboarders as they slalom between flooded traffic signs,street lamps and guard rails.

It only goes to prove... is where you find it.

This is my own shortened edited version for those of you, who like me only want to watch the good bits !

The  picture (right) from National Police Headquarters shows the stairs of Hungary's parliament building flooded by the Danube in Budapest.


Stay stoked.




BIZARRE video !  Monday 24th Aug 

Cornish surfer beach told to F*ck off back to England ??

Well, I don't know about you but the last time I checked, Cornwall was still part of England.

What is this guys problem...... apart from the fact he obviously failed his geography GCSE' !

In today's video this SUP paddler appears to think Cornwall is not part of England. Telling surfer Phil Brown, who is from Cornwall to "F*ck Off back to England" because  he "shared" a wave off a CORNISH beach !

In the video the paddle boarder can be heard shouting: ‘You drop in on me like that again and you won’t f*****g surf here again. It’s my wave, keep your f*****g eyes open.’ (Charming !)
Mr Brown replies ‘There’s no need to swear.’
To which the articulate SUP Boarder responds, "‘Don’t tell me not to f*****g swear – you nearly caused me an accident then.
I was on the wave. Don’t do it again. Do it again and I will put you in f*****g hospital and that’s a promise." ..... (REALLY ? Chill out dude !)

The "Potty Mouthed" unknown paddler goes on to say "Don’t act like a t**t in the water." ...Hmm, Who exactly is acting like a t**t ???

The very patient Mr Brown  (somewhat too impatient in my opinion) tries to apologies and it is then that "potty mouth" responds with... " F*** off back to England you ****."( ......very classy !)


Mr Brown then points out that he is in fact from Cornwall, the man responds in a strong Liverpudlian accent ? ..... ‘I was born here’.
Mr Brown then tells the man "it gives you no more right  to the waves". Can you guess what the unknow paddlers retort is ????

Yep you guessed it..................................F**K OFF !

Anyway, Here's the video

Stay Stoked